Wild Garlic Frittatetes

Wild Garlic is wonderful and abundant in most parts of the UK (in Cornwall less so but there you have the equally versatile and delicious Three Cornered Garlic). Wild Garlic seeds, flower buds, flowers, bulbs, leaves and leaf stalks can each be used in so many ways – really, your imagination’s the limit.  At the time of writing it’s early May and Wild Garlic leaves are starting to look a bit tired so don’t hang about if you’ve yet to make pesto!  Unopened flower buds can be added to ferments or pickled and flowers provide the perfect garnish to many meals. When petals wither and drop off we’re gifted one last crop: the much overlooked seeds – nibbled raw, added to risottos or pickled (vegan caviar) they are truly wonderful so don’t miss out on the fun!

Here’s my recipe using Wild Garlic leaves, seeds and flowers. Any combination of these ingredients will work.


6 eggs

25ml milk

A grating of parmesan


Wild Garlic leaves, seeds and flowers


Forage your garlic leaves, flowers and/or seeds. I use a scissors to snip the seeds from their stalks. You don’t have to be too precise as the stalks are edible and will soften when cooked.

Crack the eggs, adding them to a mixing bowl along with the milk, cheese and seasoning. Lightly beat the mixture

Add some Wild Garlic flowers/seeds/leaves to greased cupcake trays.

Pour mixture into trays.

Cook on gas mark 140 for around 15 to 20 minutes or until your frittatetes are firm on top and starting to brown.

Serve with a wild leaf salad and your favourite dressing*.

*You can make your own wild flavoured vinegar for salad dressings by simply adding flowers to vinegar and leaving for a week or so before straining and bottling. Hawthorn blossom, Rose petals, Elderflowers and Dandelions all work well but there are lots of other possibilities.


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