Fire cider is the easiest thing in the world to make and there are countless variations. With the probiotic goodness of unpasteurised cider vinegar, (a flu and cold-busting remedy in it’s own right), plus added wild and organic ingredients, this is hedgerow medicine at it’s best. I use a teaspoon in warm water first thing in the morning, particularly when I’m trying to avoid the winter bugs. It’s particularly useful towards the end of winter when we are needing a bit of a boost to help through that final month or so. Here’s a straightforward recipe to which you could add other things as you desire and depending on the time of year (it can be nice to use wild garlic bulbs and seeds for example if making in spring).
- Dandelion root
- Dock root
- Horseradish root
- Turmeric root
- Garlic cloves
- Ginger
- Chillis
- Apple cider vinegar
Wash and chop up your foraged and bought ingredients, in whatever quantities you decide – I usually fill a large jar to impart the maximum goodness into my vinegar. Next, simply top up with cider vinegar, leaving to infuse for at least a month. After this, strain and keep the vinegar, discard herbs and pour vinegar into an attractive bottle. Label this in your best writing, possibly with some unusual spelling.
From this concoction you can, if you wish, make an oxymel. To do this, simply add honey to your fire cider and stir to mix ingredients. I go with the ratio 50:50 honey to fire cider.
Note: Cork or plastic lids can be better as the vinegar will corrode metal.